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Tag: Business Insurance

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Vs. Errors & Omissions Liability Insurance

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Vs. Errors & Omissions Liability Insurance

No matter the type or size of your business, it is important to have adequate insurance coverage to protect you from liability. For protection from claims of malpractice or improperly performed services, you need errors and omission liability insurance. But this type of policy won’t cover you for every eventuality. To fill in the gaps, you may also need a directors and officers liability insurance...

Small Business & COVID-19: How Your Insurance Agent Can Help

Small Business & COVID-19: How Your Insurance Agent Can Help

Your local insurance agent is a resource for you and your business during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat or meet the costs of doing business—including covering the cost of insurance premiums. If your business has come to a standstill due to the outbreak, our local insurance agent can offer guidance about your options. Small Businesses: Financial Hardship & COVID-19...